I would really like to commend the team on bringing out the least talked about business stories, which have stood the test of time. Many of us are familiar with brands such as Mapro, Wagh Bakri, Rooh Afza, but very few are aware of the reasons/decisions that made these robust or ‘home-grown’. Keep up the good work team!

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Thanks a lot Moksha. Glad you liked it. There are dozens of Indian brands which did/are doing extremely well. But their stories are rarely told. Will try to cover more such stories in coming days.

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Thanks for brilliant informative piece.. Had been to Mapro Gradens but now more appreciative of the set up and business model behind it..

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Thanks Sid. Glad that you liked it :)

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Never knew Mapro stands for mahabhaleswar products. Thanks for shining light on these nostalgic brands.

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Thanks a lot Sreenivas. Glad that you liked it 🙂

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So proud to have family ties with vora family which also can be older than the starting of jam manufacturing days. That's the reason for me to write here and claim that this is the truth and nothing but the true.... would like to give credit to late Mrs of Kishor Vora,

Mrs of Mayur vora

& Now

Mrs of nikunj vora

You were and you will be strong support ladies....🙏

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